
Showing posts from August, 2022

An Average Day in the Life of a Content Creator

 I was just thinking that there are probably thousands of videos on YouTube that provide people with tips and tricks to running content creation businesses online but after watching a number of them, I was left with a disjointed picture of just what I should be expected to do on any given day - as the choices seemed endless. So to put it into some form of collective perspective, I've written this article to try to give the confused reader a better picture of what a day in the life of a content creator might actually look like. Starting with the obvious of getting up, making coffee and trying to clear the mind for work, how I usually start my day is by looking at some RSS feeds (while drinking said coffee of course) and perusing a number of articles and photos in categories I am interested in with a view to learning more about my chosen new profession and also selecting good ones to "curate" and pass on to other potentially interested people on several social media platfor